Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Paying it forward.

  Running late (as usual) I found myself standing in front of a vending machine glaring at the recent price change for my routine caffeine addiction via can...damn!
 Glancing back and forth at the two dollar bills in my hand and back at the$2.25 price sticker multiple times didn't help.
 In desperation I ask the closest person for a quarter. A woman, someone I had seen around but never have said more than a 'good morning' to. She says she does gives me a giant grin and pulls out her coin purse. I tell her I will pay her back sometime, as well as thank you thank you thank you!! Happy to have my routine back on track.
 I was feeding the money in the machine in as she said it.
"No no that's not necessary... Next time you get asked, how about you pay it forward? I did." Then just walked away.

I was not expecting that, not really sure what I thought she would say, but her response surprised me enough to make me stop, and think. I don't think it was because it was coming out of her mouth, just that it was being said, and heard, out of the context of a movie, or a training... A random person a normal day a thought provoking interaction.

Paying it forward can be done in more than one way, and sometimes from the least expected places. She made me think, that alone was giving.

Ever happen to you? Did you follow through?
  I could be crazy, and over thinking the whole thing...

I'll keep a quarter in my pocket from here on out. Just in case.


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