Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sasquatch! 2013 {lineup}


One of the most amazing weekends of my year will be filled with the sounds of the artists above. As of now, the groups I am most looking froward to are
 (in no particular order):

Vampire Weekend
Alt- J
Twin Shadow
Mumford and Sons
Built to Spill
Youth Lagoon
The Lumineers
Toro Y Moi
 Mythical Creature sightings, and Mind-Melting Music!!!
 (Not band names- though maybe somewhere)
It is time for me to start thinking of one seriously crazy outfit to bring along. Superhero? Animal? Toaster??
Suggestions welcome.

Rich introduced me to the Sasquatch! Music Festival before we started dating. We talked often, mainly about music. Sasquatch is a four day music festival in George, Washington they usually host around 200 bands. There are three campgrounds one for RVs, a 'private' camp (lights out and music off by a specific time - no fun!) and a general campsite. Rich would rave about this event, and come back with a new glow about him. Our first year together he invited me to accompany him.
I soon found out why when he returned, he was so refreshed.

The drive for us is a 6 hour trek. We make frequent stops- usually to pick up the things we realize we have forgotten, and explore each other's minds along the way. The explorer is filled to the brim with camping supplies, food and other essentials (bubbles, lawn games, henna, a hula hoop with its own light show... you know, the things you just can't attend a festival without).

Once you arrive its a mad dash to set up and claim your spot on the patch of lawn that will be yours for the weekend. As soon as you pop the tent and make your outdoor living room it's time to socialize with your weekend neighbors.

I have met people at Sasquatch that I will refer to as friends for life. People have a different vibe about them. Sasquatch! goers are relaxed, usually share the same taste and views as you, and are all ready for a good time.
 In the best case, you will become a pack. Cook for one another, coordinate which shows you will attend, party the night away together and the next morning relive every one's favorite moments of the previous day. Last year we had a group of four guys next to us, I was the only girl in the group, I took care of them at camp and they took care of me at the concerts. I would cook; they would protect me from a mobbing crowed. I would remind (nag) them to drink their water; they would make sure I was never alone. To this day we still keep up. Especially this time of the year....The festival is a short 4 months away!!

The walk down to the concert grounds is probably a half mile. So you must have a drink in hand. Once you make the long dusty walk through the gates it is like a music lover's playground. There are three stages, the main stage, the Bigfoot (or small stage) and the banana shack (where the comedians and electronica preform). The small stage has the bands not everyone has heard of but usually host's the years upcoming hit bands.  I love seeing a band and thinking, they are going to be huge. I can't quite handle the craziness inside the banana shack. I am not one for major crowds and when you add drunk, high and sweaty people... I just would rather not. So I dance my booty off outside where I can feel the music instead of feeling strangers.
The main stage. Oh the main stage. First if you have never been to a concert in the Gorge you must. The stage backs up on to the Columbia Gorge, so you see the valley and ridged edges of the land, even the Colombia River below can be seen at some points. For Sasquatch, concerts run all day by the time the headliners are up on stage the sun is setting and the sky is turning colors. Your heart is racing due to the excitement that is surging from all the attendees. Wind blows, bringing a chill to your bones. The group walks on stage, applause begins and the moment... when the drum kicks, or the lead singer yells 'Hello Sasquatch!!' your heart now feels like it is about to leave your chest and you let whatever sound comes out of your throat to express the emotion had been building inside. This is usually when I look around, head's all tilted up eyes on the musicians, everyone grasping the melody being played. Pure heaven.

Call me crazy, but those four days do the most amazing thing for my soul.

I am not a morning person, yet during those four days at the Gorge I wake up early.
I have always needed an energy drink to get me through my 'normal' day, in that campground... not necessary.
I (a normally semi high-strung person) relax, and allow myself to let go.
I get to be the me I am at home, in the company of strangers.
I find my balance.
I am reminded that this is what life is about.
This is living.

A big thank you to my love who has enlightened me to this weekend, the music, the community.  The fact that I get to share this whole experience with Rich increases my excitement.
Sasquatch! 2012

'Girl Talk' Sasquatch! 2012

'Fun.' Sasquatch! 2012

To the right of mainstage

In the campground

May 24-27 2013 please hurry!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekday Get-A-Way

I am always impressed with gifts.
 I love when someone spends the time and thought to get me something they think I will like.
 Most of the time though, I will be the one person who has an answer when asked 'what do you want for...(birthday, Christmas, etc.)'
 I love surprises but it's not easy to get one past me.
  I'm a snoop, and a nag, I just HATE not knowing things!

So when I heard Richard's Valentine's day plans for me, I thought, this is why I will marry this man.

A two night stay in a pet friendly room in Lincoln City!!
  I adore my hometown, there is honestly a point on the way down that the air shifts. Like a aromatic welcome mat.
Secret spots... that hold memories of past friends, and friends that have passed. 
 My favorite restaurants all in one 7 mile radius. 

Most of all? Spending that time with the one person I get to be with for the rest of my life. Truly an amazing gift.   

Okay, Rich does have some other plans during the day for himself, but that just means I get to spend those hours:

Gazing at the ocean
Walking Dozer on the beach (he has never been!)
Watching daytime T.V.
Visiting some {all} of my favorite restaurants and 'secret spots'
Possibly some shopping - I should probably get a thank you gift for my love!
Probably a lot of pajama wearing

Added Bonus*
The hotel has a french press, free waffles each morning and massage options. If I were a crayon I would be 'tickled pink'!

Not only did he get us a beautiful hotel room, he made sure I could bring my puppy! Which means, I will probably feel too bad to leave Dozer alone at all (darn, being lazy with the best cuddler in the whole world).  

I am always talking about the memories, how things are just things, and that they are replaceable. This getaway is going to be full of moments for us to look back at and love.
 *Last year was spent in the ER so I can already say that this year will be MUCH better *